
About the Journal

The Journal Education and Society is a refereed (double blind) media of the Academy of Educational and Social Studies (ACEES), we are oriented to the publication and dissemination of articles resulting from empirical research (quantitative, qualitative or mixed), systematic reviews of scientific literature and theoretical essays in the fields of educational sciences and social sciences.  It was launched in 2020, its periodicity is biannual (August and December), open access, free of charge for authors and promoted virtually.

The content of the articles is the responsibility of the authors and does not compromise, in any way, the Journal or the Academy of Educational and Social Studies (ACEES). The author interested in submitting his/her manuscript for evaluation should send it to the journal, as indicated in the section Instructions for Authors.

The articles are submitted to a double-blind refereeing process (so that both the evaluators and the authors remain anonymous). The editorial committee reserves the right to accept or reject the publication of manuscripts received, as well as the possibility of suggesting necessary changes to the author that do not involve major modifications. Further details of the process are given in the Peer Review section.

The Journal publishes articles and unpublished manuscripts in Spanish and English and the call for papers is open throughout the year.

The Revista Educación y Sociedad is aimed at a public made up of researchers, teachers, professionals and undergraduate and graduate university students interested in the thematic fields related to the educational sciences and the interaction of this field (education) with the social sciences in general.

The Revista Educación y Sociedad  is an editorial project of the Academia de Estudios Educativos y Sociales (ACEES).

Academia de Estudios Educativos y Sociales (ACEES)
Jr Combate de Angamos 542. Condominio Paseo La Arboleda, Torre A - 506, Santiago de Surco, Lima 33, Perú.
(+51) 902742804


Editorial Committee

The Editorial Committee is made up of researchers in the fields of education sciences and social sciences in general. It is primarily responsible for participating in deployments associated with the fulfillment (and updating) of: publication standards, scientific rigor and academic integrity, among others. They also participate in the development of special projects, such as, for example, the edition of monographic issues, the management of research and the positioning of the Journal in national and international databases.

Editor in Chief

Iván Montes Iturrizaga

Universidad Continental (Perú)


Advisory Committee

Fernando Salazar Silva – Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)
Roberto Barrientos Mollo – Universidad Marcelino Champagnat (Perú)
Yajaira Pamplona Ciro - Universidad Continental (Perú)
Alain Castro Alfaro – Corporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez (Colombia)
Klinge Orlando Villalba Condori - Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (Perú)


Editorial Committee

Eduardo Franco Chalco – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)
Alain Castro Alfaro – Corporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez (Colombia)
Fabiola Cabra Torres – Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)
Francisco Arias Vargas - Universidad de Medellín (Colombia)
Julia Victoria Escobar Londoño – Corporación Universitaria Lasallista (Colombia)
José María García Ríos – Asociación Raíces y Alas (España)
Robinson Restrepo García – Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia (Colombia)
Mariano Fernández Ameghino - Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche (Argentina)
Lucía Vallecillo Graziatti – Universidad Pontificia Comillas (España)
Roberto Barrientos Mollo - Universidad Marcelino Champagnat (Perú)
Susan Roberts Andrews – Universidad Católica Santa María (Perú)
Fernando Salazar Silva - Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)
Ramón Rivero Pino - Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena (Ecuador)
William G. Castro-Paniagua - Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas (Perú)
Elizabeth E. Vidal Duarte - Universidad Nacional de San Agustín (Perú)
Andrés Omar Muñoz-Najar Pacheco - Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile)
Carolina Jerí Chumbe - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Perú)
Oscar Manuel Vela Miranda - Universidad César Vallejo (Perú)
Ana Esther Delgado Vásquez - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú)
Emma Margarita Wong Fajardo - Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (Perú)
Klinge Orlando Villalba Condori - Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (Perú)
Karel Llopiz Guerra - Universidad Central Marta Abreu de las Villas (Cuba)


Statement of ethics and good editorial practices of the Journal Educación y Sociedad

Based on what is established in the COPE'S GUIDE of Good Practices for Publication Editors[1], on publication ethics practices regarding authorship, article plagiarism, data manipulation and conflict of interest, the Revista Educación y Sociedad presents the following declaration of editorial ethics, taking into account the following aspects:

  1. Publisher's responsibilities:

The Editor and the Editorial Committee must act fairly, objectively and without discrimination of any kind (sexual, political, religious or ethnic) in the application of the procedures described in this statement.

Papers will be edited and published on the basis of academic merit and without any commercial or other influence. Therefore, the Editor must be free of any conflict of interest with the authors or funders of the work; and that incline him/her to accept or reject an article.

The decision taken by the Editor, whatever it may be, will be based on the concept of the peer reviewers. When there is suspicion of plagiarism, the Editorial Committee will study the situation through the use of the pertinent software. 

The members of the Editorial Committee should not disclose information about any of the articles submitted to the Journal. In this sense, they may only share or request information about the study with the authors and reviewers. Likewise, confidentiality will be guaranteed by using double-blind evaluation.

When a member of the Editorial Committee notices problems in an article already published in the Journal, he/she must inform the other members in order to proceed with the corresponding correction. Likewise, the Committee will follow the necessary procedures to resolve complaints or misunderstandings of an ethical nature or conflict of interest, acting in accordance with the editorial policy and normative principles of research ethics.

  1. Authors' responsibilities:

Is the responsibility of each author who submits the manuscript (or whoever is in charge of maintaining contact with the Editor) to verify that all authors approve the content of the text and that the persons who made significant contributions are listed. In addition, the author must guarantee that the work has not been published or accepted in another journal and that it is not in the process of being evaluated elsewhere.

In case part of the content has been previously published, authors must acknowledge and cite the respective sources and academic credits, therefore, tables, figures or patents that merit special permission to be reproduced must be accompanied by a letter of permission to reproduce from whoever has the right.

The presentation of the articles should be objective and exclude false or distorted statements as this constitutes unethical behavior.

Authors must confirm by means of an affidavit the assignment of copyrights to the Journal, which can be downloaded in the section Affidavit and Assignment. Likewise, they should actively participate in the peer review process by responding in a timely manner to the requests of the reviewers or the Editorial Committee; they should also carefully review the final version of the article. If significant errors are found after the manuscript has been published, authors should promptly notify the Editorial Board and then cooperate in the publication of an erratum. The same disposition is expected even if it is considered necessary to withdraw the article from the published issue.

  1. Peer/reviewer responsibilities:

Reviewers should contribute to the evaluation process of the articles with objectivity criteria, without value judgments, respect, assertiveness and from a constructive point of view. If a reviewer considers that he/she is not sufficiently qualified to review a manuscript, he/she should say so once he/she has read the abstract, prior to sending the complete document. Likewise, reviewers should declare if they have any conflict of interest related to the work or its funders.

  1. Process to be followed in case of unethical behavior:

Editors are responsible for taking measures to identify and prevent the publication of papers where unethical behavior or research misconduct has been found. Regarding the content of the article, invention, manipulation of data and plagiarism, which constitute scientific fraud, are considered unethical behaviors. It is also considered unethical behavior to omit the name of an author.

In case of unethical behavior on the part of the authors, they should inform the Editor of the Journal in writing and accompanied by sufficient evidence. The Editor, together with the Editorial Committee of the Journal, will initiate the corresponding investigation.

Unethical behavior that is considered a minor fault by the Editor can be solved with the authors without the need to consult with the Editorial Committee.

In the event that the unethical behavior is considered serious, the Editor together with the Editorial Committee shall:

- Notify in writing an official communication addressed to the authors and reviewers detailing the unethical acts, taking into account the evidence.

- The Editorial Committee should decide whether to communicate to the authors' employers or institutional affiliation entities about the unethical behavior.

- If allegations of inappropriate behavior are not supported by convincing evidence, the editors may seek expert advice.

- Authors should be given the opportunity to respond to allegations of serious misconduct.

- Authors should make corrections, modifications, or if necessary withdraw the article from publication in the journal.


About affidavit

Authorization for reproduction, publication, communication and distribution of a scientific work.



  1. I attest and guarantee that I am the author of this research article and I assume all responsibility for it in a public manner.
  2. I agree that my name may be included in the list of authors of the Revista Educación y Sociedad.
  3. I guarantee that this article is an unpublished and original work to which I have contributed directly to its intellectual content.
  4. I declare that this article has not been previously submitted to any other journal, media or dissemination platform.
  5. I have not committed scientific fraud, plagiarism or authorship vices; otherwise, I exempt the Revista de Educación y Sociedad from any responsibility by empowering it to take the corresponding legal actions.
  6. In case of future publications related to this article, I undertake to mention that it was previously published in the Journal of Education and Society.
  7. I guarantee that, until I know the result of the evaluation of the article, it will not be submitted to another journal, media or dissemination platform.
  8. I will not receive payment or financial compensation for the publication of this article in the Revista Educación y Sociedad.
  9. I authorize (name of editor) to reproduce, publish, communicate and distribute the material in the Revista Educación y Sociedad of the Academia de Estudio Educativos y Sociales - ACEES.
  10. That such authorization applies especially to the rights of reproduction of the work, by any means known or to be known, publication of the work, public communication of the work, distribution of the work, either directly or through third parties for purely educational purposes.
  11. I agree to inform and declare the existence of the present authorization and to preserve the right of the Revista Educación y Sociedad to the first publication of THE WORK.


Article title: 


Date: _____________________________________



Name: ________________________________________________________________

DNI / Identity Card / Identity Card or Alien Registration Card: ___________________

Country: ___________________________


* The template for this declaration can be downloaded from the "Affidavit" section at the bottom of this page.


About copyrights

Authors who publish their articles in the Education and Society Journal retain unrestricted rights to the work.

Revista Educación y Sociedad uses the Plag Scan software to identify plagiarism or the level of coincidences in an article. The maximum allowed is 20%. It should be noted that this is not the only criterion for determining the reception or rejection of an article, and that results above the maximum allowed will be communicated to the author so that he/she can make the necessary verifications and corrections.


Interoperability protocols

This journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of published content.



OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0

Dublin Core Metadata

Path for harvesters:




Education and Society Journal is an open access digital journal that does NOT charge authors for the submission, processing and editing of their articles, nor does it charge readers for access to their articles.

To send comments to the journal, please contact the editor-in-chief: Iván Montes Iturrizaga at e-mail: revista@acees.net

[1] https://publicationethics.org/ Version 2/22 June 2015


Peer Review

About Peer Review

Article Review Process


Each time an article is received through OJS, it will be read by a member of the Advisory Committee as a Predictamen, then it will be sent to the Editor accompanied by the format of Compliance with Quality Characteristics required by the journal. If the manuscript has the required characteristics and also obtains the Editor's approval, the latter will refer the article to the designated referees for peer review.

Peer review

Once the article receives the Editor's approval, two referees will be assigned according to the subject and specialty.

For the evaluation of each article, the referees will use the following Guide for Judgment, which includes the prioritized criteria, the scores and an explanation of these.

Guidelines for Reviewers' Opinions




The subject matter of the article is appropriate for the Journal.

Rating scale for each criteria:

0.       Unacceptable

1.       Poor

2.       Satisfactory

3.       Good

4.       Very good

5.       Excellent

(0) - Unacceptable: the corresponding criterion is not acceptable.

(1) - Poor: the corresponding criterion is of unsatisfactory quality and needs a thorough review.

(2) - Satisfactory: the corresponding criterion is of good quality, but needs careful review.

(3) - Good: the corresponding criterion is of high quality and may need minor revision.

(4) - Very good: the corresponding criterion is acceptable, but could be improved or completed.

(5) - Excellent: the corresponding criterion is acceptable without additional editorial review.

The abstract accurately reflects the content of the article.

The quality of writing and presentation is in accordance with good academic practices and the APA 7th standard.

The methodology, analysis and interpretation of the data are clear and consistent.

Figures and tables are clear and justified.

References are relevant, current and complete.

The article is a relevant and significant contribution to this field of research.

* Articles normally include: abstract, key words, introduction, methodology, objectives, analysis, results, conclusions and references. Modification of the text structure is accepted if justified.

It should be noted that reviewers' comments addressed both to the authors and to the Editor are allowed within the framework of the opinion.

The outcome of the arbitration may be:

  • Accept this shipment
  • Publishable with modifications
  • Resend for review
  • Not publishable

When the opinions do not coincide, the results shall be weighted according to the Guide for Opinions. The procedure will be:

  • A score between 1-2 will be worth 2 and the proposed modifications will be requested to be incorporated.
  • Scores obtained between 1-3 require the participation of a third referee, in this case a member of the Editorial Board. With three referees, the coinciding opinion is assumed and the different opinion will be discarded.
  • A score between 2-3 will be worth 3 and the article will be rejected.

For articles that require modifications, once the authors return the corrected version, it will be sent to the referee who gave the most unfavorable opinion so that he/she can verify that the observations have been lifted and approve the publication. At this stage, the referee will not be able to request additional modifications to those appearing in the opinion.

For the development of their work, the referees will receive a version of the article to be evaluated, the instructions given to the authors and the indications for the reviewer containing the evaluation criteria for the opinion. The Editor maintains contact with the referees and prepares a list of accepted and rejected articles, which, together with the opinions, must be sent to the Advisory Committee.

The review of articles is carried out by the members of the scientific committee and other peer reviewers from the national and international scope; who through the double blind system perform the corresponding arbitration. The members of the editorial committee may participate in the evaluation of articles as long as there is no conflict of interest.

The maximum time elapsed between the reception of the article and the first response from the evaluators is 30 days. Likewise, the average time between the reception of the article and its publication is 6 months; this is due to the biannual periodicity of the journal. These deadlines may vary and be altered in case we are in the edition of a monographic issue.



Open access policy

The Education and Society Journal is an open access scientific publication under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY-NC-ND license. This indicates that published articles may be shared, cited and referenced appropriately. However, they may not be modified or altered and may not generate lucrative transactions.



Main contact

Iván Montes Iturrizaga


Education and Society Journal



Support contact

Yajaira Pamplona Ciro


Education and Society Journal





Checklist for shipment preparation

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to authors.

  • I guarantee that this article is an unpublished and original work which has not been previously submitted to any other journal or published in any other printed or digital media.
  • I guarantee that, until the result of the evaluation of the article is known, it will not be submitted to any other journal, media or dissemination platform.
  • Attached is the Affidavit duly completed and signed by the authors.
  • I will send the article in Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman font, size 11, single-spaced and half-spaced, on A4 size paper and with the margins stipulated by the Journal (2.5 cm for top, bottom, right and left).
  • The maximum length of each article is 25 pages (including references). Reviews can be up to 4 pages (including references).
  • Bibliographic references are arranged alphabetically and according to APA Style 7th Edition. In the case of references with doi code, it is mandatory to include their complete URL.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Publication Guidelines, which can be found in the Author Guidelines tab.
  • I have read and accept the Journal's Guidelines for Authors and ethical precepts. Likewise, I accept its Open Access policy.


Instructions for authors: PDF

Publication Standards: PDF

Digital Preservation Policy: PDF

Title Template: Word

Manuscript Template: Word

Affidavit and Assignment: Word


The Journal Education and Society adheres to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, DORA.